Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Global State

 The world as a global society is quite fragile. Seemingly in a state of perpetual war, the world has many problems. Problems like poverty, illiteracy, racism and sexism. United we are not. The world is merely a planet that we fight on. A planet that is not more than the some of its parts. But it could be.

   In our society we have multiple different religions, cultures and nations. We have groups that identify in the color of their skin. Our society is hardly united. It is filled with conflict and suffering. However there is a silver lining. For we have in the last 50 years come a long way on the road to peace. The life expectancy for someone born on this planet in 1955 was 48 years old. According to the World Health Organization the life expectancy for some who will be born in 2025 will be 73 years old (Glenn, 2008, p. 42).

   That is a huge step forward. This fact shows that were are moving in the right direction. Globalization is happening. We are albeit slowly coming together as a global society. Technology has played a large part in this. Twitter has fundamentally changed the Middle East. The Tunisian, Egyptian, Libyan and Syrian revolutions would not have happened if it were not for social networks. Another example of technology affecting our society is the influence of Wiki-leaks, Anonymous and other protest groups. Because of technology one person anywhere in the world can have an effect on global politics.

   The world has made some significant steps toward being more than the sum of its parts. But it is still a very diverse place with different religions and cultures spread far and wide. (Warf & Vincent, 2007, p. 606) Most of these religions believe that they are the ones with divine providence and are truly correct in their endeavors. Now I’m not saying that one is more correct than another. I’m just saying that because of this diversity in our society, good or bad, we are still only states. And I don’t believe that we are ready to unify globally.

Glenn, J. C. (2008). Scanning the Global Situation and Prospects for the Future. Futurist, 42(1), 41-46.

Warf, B., & Vincent, P. (2007). Religious diversity across the globe: a geographic exploration. Social & Cultural Geography, 8(4), 597-613. doi:10.1080/14649360701529857

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