Friday, February 18, 2011

Fun Facts about Germany

I've been in Germany for over a month now and I've decided to write down how it differs from America. So here they are:

Fact #1: At the rest stops on the autobahn and in train stations you have to pay to go to the bathroom... It's often only 50 cents but to me it's kind of ridiculous.

Fact #2: Smoothies don't exist... I went looking for one one day downtown and after a while of searching I found a place that made a kind of juice smoothyish thing and it was absolutely dreadful... It tasted like vitamin capsules and it costed me 3 euros.

Fact #3: Every single window in Germany has night shutters. So when you stay up way too late blogging and sleep in the sun doesn't wake you up. ;-)

Fact #4: When you go do the grocery store and by milk, jam, juice, yogurt etc. They charge you between 15 to 30 cents extra for each container as an incentive to bring it back to be recycled. Because if you do you get your money back.

Fact #5: Hulu doesn't work :( So I can't watch Family Guy or Conan if I get really bored...

Fact #6: Everyone speaks German... Who knew?

Fact #7: You can buy clothes or shoes online, give them an address, get them, try them on and either send them back without paying one cent or finally if you want to keep them you can pay for them.

Fact #8: Dogs can go everywhere except grocery stores or restaurants. They even can go on trains but you have to buy them a ticket.

Fact #9: There are music libraries that have literally thousands of pieces of music that you can just check in and out for free. For example if you want your whole orchestra to play Beethoven's 9th Symphony you walk in and check out Beethoven's 9th Symphony and you get every single piece of music for each musician. Brilliant!!

And finally fun fact #10 my favorite/most annoying fact about Germany: You know when you open a bottle of soda and the cap breaks a part into 2 pieces and the bottom half stays with the bottle and the top half comes off? Well here in Germany when you go to open a bottle of soda the bottom half starts to break off from the cap but the at the last moment decides to stay with it. It doesn't seem like much of a problem because you'd think you could just rip off the bottom part and throw it away? Nope because the little pokie points on the top of the bottom half of the cap are really sharp... Which prevents you from getting any grip on it to pull it off... So it just hangs there retarded looking and sharp... What I just described literally happened to every bottle I've seen opened... why can't they just make the caps like everything else here. Efficient!!

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